It has been long since I last rant in here. Life has been much busier, hectic than ever ..... (not) I was just so lazy actually. Lazy - It's a very serious disease I must say, even scarier and dangerous than cancer. It stops and hinders you in almost every aspect of your life - which is sooo not good.
Case 1
Ahhh.. I should be doing my Academic Exercise now. It's already January. I should hv at least completed chapter 1 and chapter 3 by now. Oh but wait! Look, there's a new picture of Juna on instag!
*scrolls, scrolls dowwwnnn further
(1hr gone wasted .. )
Case 2
Wow! It's big bad wolf! Let's grab some new awesome books. Emmheemmmm yayyy new books, new books!! Let's get the brain do some workouts, build some muscles ohoyeahhh.
And thereee, lie my pretty books, untouched since the first day I brought them home. Oh well, I did stare at them but it wasn't more than that, and I do feel pity for them. Mehhh.
I know that only 'realizing' 'noticing' this bad habit of mine wouldn't be suffice. I need to do more than that and that is to take actions!
A girl could never understand your feelings for her if the only thing that you did was to say I love you ... to yourself.
A car can never move on its own unless you drive it, which is a perfect 'simile' to your body.
A hungry tummy can only be fed-
- when you go to the kitchen/restaurants/ any places with sources of food and get a bite
- scream (not literally okay, not good haipp!) to your mum/ anney at mamak stalls saying 'I'm hungryyy give me some food!!'
I guess the two options given pretty much explain the need for you to take actions! Never wait, never expect, never ever ever try to find excuses because that wouldn't help you at all - that will definitely bring you to ... nothing,
dear self.
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